Thank you for visiting LUBCAP E&S, an official partner of SKF GROUP
Welcome for visiting the website of LUBCAP E&S Co., Ltd.
We LUBCAP E&S has the best engineers in Korea with the richest experiences in lubrication industry. Together with SKF’s(and LINCOLN’s) product, which ranks the top of the
market share in lubrication business, we are providing and developing the best and suitable solution for the customers.
Also following the ESG management, same as our official partner SKF groups strategy, we are contributing to the safety of our employees through being certified as a clean and
safe workplace, making sponsorship with the Korea RED CROSS, and social contributions such as City-Country cooperation agreement.
With our new solutions for ALS(Automatic Lubrication System), we prevent the waste of lubricant, expand the machine life cycle, to reduce the carbon emissions and to provide
the best services for lubrication to the customers.
Using the best lubrication training programs and management systems from SKF, we promise to satisfy every customer who calls for their lubrication management and services.
Thank you.